Easy as 1, 2, 3...
How it works

Sign up
on our platform
We take care
of the set up, from
your existing resources

Fully optimized for mobile,
we connect clients
directly with you

Visitors to our site find it
through our search
& your page on
search engines

Phone, web, email links to you.
No referral fees...

Answers on questions
What is Commission for referrals?

Zero. Nothing. Nil. Nada.

How do you refer property buyers/sellers?

We link for telephone calls, links directly to your website/ property search, as well as, an email form. Our full page listings are optimized for search engines, to find you directly.

What do you charge?

Full page listing for $99 a year, includes professional set up. Front page “featured” platform available as well.

What do I need to do?

Order a listing and we take care of the rest. We work from your existing online resources, then send we you a link for any changes. You can always send us updated photos or info.

LGBTQ Property Hunters